Saturday, 6 February 2016


Because this is actually my first blog, I don't know exactly how to address visitors of this blog. But I will try doing it my own way.

After searching the web for ages I figured out something is missing almost totally. What am I talking about? Community. What community? A design lovers community. Of course there are a lot of websites specialized in design projects and any other tasks related to design. But none of these websites emphasize that very particular side of Design, the "joy of designing", the pure pleasure of  taking out a piece of paper and start drawing whatever comes into your head. And moreover, doing it without trying to impress people around or thinking of getting rich. 
I don't want to write pages because people don't waste their time with long, boring posts. So, I will try to point out in one phrase what I am trying to do with the help of this blog.

I am intending to build up a community of "Design Joy"ers who are willing to share their ideas and pieces of advice with everybody and show them what Design is really about.

Starting today, I will post whenever I can and I wish this community blog will grow up with your help. Consequently, don't hesitate to comment and share ideas whenever you feel like.

 I am not intending to get money out of this blog.
All I want to do is take this blog away from the commercial Design websites and make it more or less a studio where everybody is equal.

Thank you for your attention and start telling your friends about this blog.

Follow me and let's unleash the Design frenzy!!

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